Princeton alum tells female students to hurry up and find a husband already.
Sandberg, Slaughter, et al. are advocating for a new feminism devoid of social justice.
In memory of Pastor Henry Enuta.
Duh: pre-viability abortions bans are unconstitutional.
Feminists don’t hate men–they just hate you, MRA dude.
Conservative justices thought this year was their last chance to fight same-sex marriage.
Check out the trailer from “Feminist: Stories from Women’s Liberation,” which won top honors at the 2013 L.A. Women’s Film Festival.
“Leaning in” in Iraq.
Bill Gates wants you to invent a better condom.
Rape is not a punch line, Rick Ross.
So what if Victoria’s Secret sells underwear to teens?
Yes, let’s debate whether this guy seeking a divorce was “technically” male at the time of his marriage, that’s a super great idea.
An actual rocket scientist dies; the NYT leads with her cooking and mothering skills.
North Dakota as male-dominated dystopia.
Meet the remarkably homogenous jury for this year’s CLIO awards, and keep your eyes open for sexist messaging throughout the site.
A campus rape survivor is committed to finishing her degree–and is crowd-sourcing the bill.
What’s going on with queer characters in young adult fiction these days?
“Working women? We can’t have that!”
Magazine lady-trolling is nothing new.
No woman–not even Kate Upton–owes anyone a date.
Soledad O’Brien signs off.
The body image revolution will be Pinned.
Another good deconstruction of the Harlem Shake meme.
Demand that consent education be taught at every public school.
Sexual violence affects all who love a survivor.
The (straight) woman behind the HRC’s equal sign profile picture.
You know you’re a gender studies major when…
There’s more to life than having it all.
What’s left to be done 100 years after the British suffragettes?
What have you been reading/writing/watching/learning this week?